Horticultural Peat

Peat-raised-bog peat - H3–H5.

Plantop Horticultural Peat

Plantop Horticultural Peat is a natural product, suitable for all soil types, with no added lime or fertilisers. The peat protects the soil from crusting, puddling and drying out. As a ready-to-use, natural soil improver, Plantop Horticultural Peat is suitable for use year-round on all soil types and for all plants.

  • 70 Liter
    Contents: 70 Liter
    Item number: 50510
    Supplied as: Euro-Palette
    Unit: 36 x 70 l
    EAN: 4027892050803
  • 135 Liter
    Contents: 135 Liter
    Item number: 50511
    Supplied as: Euro-Palette
    Unit: 24 x 135 l
    EAN: 4027892051503
  • 225 Liter
    Contents: 225 Liter
    Item number: 50512
    Supplied as: Euro-Palette
    Unit: 218 x 225 l
    EAN: 4027892052258
Product data sheet Download data sheet
Plantop Horticultural Peat
  • Product details:

    Nutrients (nominal value)
    Nitrogen (N): 0,45% TM (Gesamtge.)
    Magnesium (Mg): 0,15% TM (Gesamtge.)

    pH (CaCI²)



    100% raised-bog peat, moderately to highly decomposed (H3–H8).

    Plant examples:

    Soil improver, rhododendrons, azaleas and other ericaceous plants, peonies, ferns, orchids, primrose species.


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